How Computers Work
How Multimedia Computers Work (1994)(PC-Computing).iso
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INI File
472 lines
; ===============
; Version 1.03 (11/6/93)
; -added support for SMUSHED files -- that is multiple files smushed into
; a single file (to save on slack space)
; -added some code to clean up resources during aborted installs
; -removed support via goofy Microsoft DOS.ASM file and used standard lib
; calls instead
; Version 1.02
; -rearranged code to include #defines for major product special cases
; Version 1.01 (10/31/92)
; -added STRICT and WINVER=0x300 #defines
; -fixed a memory leak and a couple of RIPs
; -emoved special compile time support for Dollars & Sense
; -added special compile time switch to enable special functions for the
; Multimedia Animals install. For Animals, we check to see if the "Video
; for Windows(tm)" drivers are installed. If not, we install them. The
; file list must reside in the INF file in a section called [avi.driver.stuff]
; and the total of the AVI driver file sizes must be entered as "minspace=xxxxx"
; in a [avi.needed.space] section.
; Version 1.00 (10/10/91)
; Now allows users to install to any directory depth. Due to poor planning,
; the previous version only allowed installation to one level off of the root.
; Version 0.93 (9/2/91)
; Fixed SETUP so that it now shows up in the task select list (i.e. CTRL-ESC).
; Linked in the fixed PKZIP compression libs that caused some problems on
; 8086 machines.
; Version 0.92 (8/9/91)
; Changed the DOS mode program to only display a message and not attempt
; to find and launch Windows due to problems with some sytems
; This file, SETUP.INF, contains information that SETUP.EXE uses to install
; applications. This file must be in the same directory as the program
; file SETUP.EXE. The two files can be on a floppy disk, a hard disk, or
; a network disk drive.
; If SETUP.EXE is run without any command line parameters, SETUP searches
; for the default info file SETUP.INF. You can force SETUP to use another
; info file by adding its filename (with no drive or path) to the command
; line. For instance, adding NEWSETUP.INF to the command line, causes
; SETUP to take its text input from the file NEWSETUP.INF that resides in
; the same directory with SETUP.EXE. This feature is included primarily
; to handle installations with a number of different installation
; configurations. Simply write a simple Windows program that asks the user
; for his configuration options and then launch SETUP with the command line
; paramater naming the file with the correct install script. (Hopefully
; this will allow SETUP.EXE to remain stable and unchanged and most custom
; setup work to take place in simple external programs.)
; SETUP.EXE can be run from either Windows or DOS. If run from Windows
; (i.e. from the Run command within the Program Manager's File menu) it
; will proceed directly with the installation procedure. If SETUP.EXE
; is run from DOS, a message will be displayed instructing the user to
; run SETUP from within Windows.
; SETUP will copy single files from disk to disk, or will optionally
; decompress and/or concatenate files that are too large to fit on a single
; floppy disk drive. All file compression must be performed with the
; Software Toolworks compression program ZIP.EXE. (The ZIP compression is
; not compatible with the popular PKZIP formats.)
; The information in this file determines:
; The names of the disks and directories from which, and to which, SETUP
; copies and/or decompresses files
; The name of the group (or groups) that SETUP creates in the Program
; Manager's window, and the names of the program items that SETUP adds
; to the group(s).
; You can create your own custom SETUP program by changing some of the
; information in this file.
; The parts of SETUP.INF
; ----------------------
; SETUP.INF is similar in format to a Windows initialization (.INI) file.
; Sections: SETUP.INF is divided into sections. Each section is identified
; by an alphanumeric name enclosed in square brackets.
; Most section names are hard-coded, that is, SETUP is written to
; search SETUP.INF for that specific section name. However, some
; section names are defined within other sections and are therefore
; easily customizable.
; Comments: A comment begins with a semicolor. You can include a comment
; on the same line as syntax, as long as it comes after the syntax.
; Spaces: Spaces are ignored, except when between double quotes or within
; [square brackets] as in a section name. Blank lines are also
; ignored.
; Sections in this file
; ---------------------
; The rest of this file contains the actual sections and statements that
; make up the working file. It also includes comments that explain each
; section and statement.
; The [dialog] section contains information pertaining to SETUP's dialog box.
; This section is required.
; The 'caption' statement determines the text that appears in the title bar
; of SETUP's dialog box.
; The following 'caption' statement specifies the caption "Demo App Setup".
; To specify your own caption, replace the text "Demo App Setup" with the
; title you want (enclosed in double quotes).
caption = "How Multimedia Computers Work Setup"
; The [startup] section contains the text information that appears in the
; startup screen (i.e. the opening screen) displayed in the SETUP procedure.
; The 'line1' statement should be customized to reflect your application.
; The 'line2' and 'line3' statements should be left as is for most
; applications. This section is required.
; The program uses DrawText() to output the text in these three lines and
; interprets the '&' character as a directive to underscore the next character.
; If you want to include the '&' character in one of the lines, use "&&"
; instead to tell DrawText() to print a single '&'
line1 = "Installing How Multimedia Computers Work"
line2 = "Setup will install this application into the following directory, which it will create on your hard disk."
line3 = "If you want to install this application into a different directory and/or drive, type the name of the directory."
; The [optional] section contains two additional pieces of data that can be
; used to modify SETUP's behavior. The 'compress' statement specifies the
; file extension that SETUP will expect on all compressed files. The default
; file extension is ".TRC" for Toolworks Reference Compression. If you wish
; your files to have another extension, change the following line accordingly.
compress = ".TRC"
; The 'concat' statement specified the character that SETUP will recognize
; as a trigger to begin file concatenation. The default character is '+'.
; When an input filename is followed by a '+', SETUP will add the next file
; in the list to this file. To change the default concatenation character,
; change the following line.
concat = "+"
; Remember, both of these lines and this entire section are optional. If you
; omit them, the default compression extension will be ".TRC" and the default
; concatenation character will be "+".
smushed = ".SMH"
; If you've used the SMUSH.EXE utility to cocatenate a bunch of small files
; into a single file it must have the default extension ".SMH" -- if you want
; to changed the default, set it here.
; The [data] section includes information about the location to which the
; application's files should be copied.
; The 'defdir' statement specified the default directory for installing the
; application. This is the drive and directory name that will appear in the
; SETUP dialog box. The user can specify a different installation directory
; by typing a different name. The 'defdir' statement MUST include a drive
; letter.
; The following 'defdir' statement tells SETUP in display the default
; directory C:\DEMOAPP when asking the user where to install the applcation.
; To specify your own default directory, replace the text "C:\DEMPAPP"
; with the drive and directory you want.
defdir = C:\HMMCW
; The [disks] section defines the distribution disks that contain the
; application files. SETUP uses this information to tell the user to insert
; the correct disk.
; Elsewhere in this .INF file, the distribution disks are normally referred
; to by a single-character disk ID. This section defines those disk ID's, and
; includes information about the disk to which each disk ID refers.
; The format of each disk definition is:
; n = path, title
; where
; n is the disk ID (a single character from 1-9 or A-Z).
; path the path to the source directory on that disk from which SETUP
; should copy files to the destination disk. The path can be
; be relative to the source directory (see examples below).
; title is the descriptive name for the disk. The title should match the
; disk's printed or written label exactly.
; The following disk-definition statements define two sample distribution
; disks.
1 = ., "How Multimedia Computers Work Disc"
; 2 = content, "How Multimedia Computers Work Disc"
; 3 = ., "Demo Application Disk 3"
; The first statement tells SETUP to refer to Disk 1 as "Demo Application
; Disk 1". Because the period (.) denotes the current directory, the files
; on that disk will be copies from the root directory of the distribution
; disk.
; The second statement tells SETUP to refer to Disk 2 as "Demo Application
; Disk 2"; the files that Disk 2 contains will be copied from the \FILES
; directory of the distribution disk.
; You can include as many disk-definition statements as necessary. Every
; distribution disk should have a corresponding disk-definition statement;
; otherwise, SETUP cannot tell the user to insert the appropriate disk.
; The program uses DrawText() to output the text in the disk names and
; interprets the '&' character as a directive to underscore the next character.
; If you want to include the '&' character in one of the lines, use "&&"
; instead to tell DrawText() to print a single '&'
; The [needed.space] section defines how much disk space, in bytes, your
; application will require when all files have been decompressed (if required)
; and copied to the destination diskette. If the specified amount of space
; is not available, SETUP will ask the user to specify a different hard disk,
; or exit SETUP. This number should be accurate, since it is used by
; SETUP to update the 'percent complete' bar graph displayed during the
; file copy process.
; The following statement tells SETUP that this application requires 300 kb
; of disk space.
minspace = 4800000
; The [app.copy.appstuff] section contains section-definition statements.
; Each statement defines a section that list application files to be copied
; as part of the installation. The sections are organized by file
; destination. You should define a separate section for each destination
; directory.
; Each section definition has the following form:
; #section_name, 0:dest_pathname
; where
; #section_name defined the name of the .INF section that lists the
; files to be copied.
; 0 is the disk ID that represents the installation
; directory. '0' is a reserved disk ID, and always
; represents the installation directory -- the directory
; that the user specified when asked where to install
; the application. '@' is another reserved disk ID,
; and always refers to the Windows directory (i.e.
; usually C:\WINDOWS). Circumstances may require you
; to place files in this directory but in most cases it
; should be avoided since for many users this directory
; has grown very large, populated with files of unknown
; origin.
; dest_pathname is the pathname of the destination directory, relative
; to the installation directory. For example, "0:FILES"
; represents the FILES subdirectory of the installation
; directory.
; The following section-definition statements define two sections, [app.user]
; and [app.system]. The files listed in the [app.user] section will be
; copies into the installation directory; those listed in the [app.system]
; directory will be copied into the SYSTEM subdirectory of the installation
; directory.
#app.user, 0:
#app.system, 0:content
#win.dir, @:
; This section is a user-defined section that lists files to be copies to a
; particular destination directory. The [app.copy.appstuff] section defines
; the name of this section and the destination directory for the files listed
; here.
; In each section like this one, you should list all files that you want
; copied to the same destination. For example, all the files in this section,
; [app.user], will be copied to the installation directory.
; SETUP copies the files listed in this section in the order which they are
; listed.
; The syntax of each file listing is
; N:FILENAME, "Description"
; where
; N: is the disk ID of the disk that contains the file. (Disk IDs
; are defined in the [disks] section.) If the specified disk
; is not in the disk drive, SETUP prompts the user to insert it.
; FILENAME is the name of the file, including the filename extension, if
; required. Two special cases deserve mention here.
; First, if the file extension is the default ".TRC" (or as
; redefined in the [options] section above, SETUP will
; decompress this file as it is being copied to the destination.
; Only files compressed by the Toolworks ZIP.EXE program will
; be correctly decompressed. The name of the file when it is
; copied into the destination directory will not be FILENAME
; but will be that of the original 'uncompressed' file.
; Second, if the filename is followed by the default "+"
; character (or another character as defined in the [options]
; section above), SETUP will assume that the following file
; should be concatenated onto the end of this file. SETUP
; will continue to concatenate files until it reaches a
; FILENAME without the trailing "+" character, at which time
; the file will be closed. The filename of the final file
; in the destination directory will be that of the first file
; in the concatenation chain.
; Description is the descriptive text that SETUP displays as it is copying
; the file. If you leave the description blank, SETUP will
; continue displaying the descriptive text from the previous
; file. This lets you use a general name for an entire group
; of related files.
; For example, the first statement below tells SETUP to copy the file
; FILE1.FOO from Disk 1 and to display the descriptive text "Demo App" while
; copying that file. The second, third and fourth statements concatenate
; the files FILE2.FOO (from Disk 1), FILE3.FOO (from Disk 1) and FILE4.FOO
; (from Disk 2) into a single destination file FILE2.FOO while displaying
; the text "Demo App Data". All of these files are copied to the destination
; directory specified in the section-definition statement in the
; [app.copy.appstuff] section.
1:hcw_cc.dll, "Custom Control Library"
1:bwcc.dll, "Custom Control Library"
1:ter.dll, "Text Display Library"
1:hcw_anim.dll, "Animation Library"
1:zifbook.ini, "Animation Index"
1:hmmcw.exe, "Program"
1:hcwdemo.exe, "Demo"
1:demo.txt, "Demo Instructions"
; Like the [app.user] section above, this section is user defined and lists
; files to be copied to a particular destination directory. The
; [app.copy.appstuff] section defines the name of this section and the
; destination directory of the files listed in this section. In the
; example below, FILE5.TRC and FILE6.TRC will be concatenated into a single
; file. Since the files have the ".TRC" file extension, they will be
; uncompressed during the copy process. The destination filename will be
; extracted from the ZIP header in FILE5.TRC.
1:content\universl.ttf, "Fonts"
1:content\universb.ttf, "Fonts"
1:content\backsub.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\forparts.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\greymom.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\main.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\mothrsub.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\almanac.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\map.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\anx\main.anx, "Interface Art"
1:content\anx\mothrsub.anx, "Interface Art"
1:content\anx\backsub.anx, "Interface Art"
1:content\anx\map.anx, "Interface Art"
1:content\greyback.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\howtitle.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\twrxbig.bmp, "Interface Art"
1:content\howmain.bmp, "Interface Art"
; This section sends files to the default Windows directory since in the
; [app.copy.appstuff] directory, this section was defined with the special
; disk ID of '@'
; 3:file7.dll
; The optional [progman.groups] section tells SETUP to create Program
; Manager groups for your application. (SETUP then uses DDE to communicate
; with Program Manager.)
; The section lists the names of the groups you want to create. You then
; define additional sections in this file; those sections list the program
; items you want in each group.
; The syntax for each group name is:
; groupname, [groupfile.grp]
; where
; groupname is the title you want Program Manager to display under
; the icon that represents the group. (The groupname will
; also be the name of the section that defines the contents
; of the group.) If you want to have the group name contain
; spaces, enclose it in "double quotes".
; groupfile.grp is the filename of the file in which Program Manager
; will save information about the group. (You must include
; the .GRP filename extension.) This parameter is optional;
; if you omit it, SETUP uses a default name for the
; group file.
; The following group-definition statement tells SETUP to create a group named
; Demo, and store its information in a file named DEMO_APP.GRP. The [demo]
; section will contain information about the group's contents.
; This section is a user-defined section that define the contents of a
; Program Manager group file. The [progman.groups] section defines the name
; of this section and the group, and the name of the file in which to store
; information about the group.
; In each section like this one, you should list all items that you want
; SETUP to add to the group.
; The syntax for item-definition statements is:
; "Description",APPFILE.EXE,[ICONFILE.EXE[,N]]
; where
; Description is the text that will appear below the program icon
; when displayed in the Program Manager group.
; APPFILE.EXE is the command line that starts the application.
; ICONFILE.EXE is the application file that contains the icon you want
; to represent the application. Typically, this is the
; executable application file, but it could be a different
; file. (You can also specify a .ICO file, created using
; the SDKPaint tool.) This parameter is optional; if you
; omit it, SETUP will use the first icon it finds in
; N is the offset of the icon you want to use within the file
; ICONFILE.EXE. This parameter is optional; if you omit it,
; SETUP uses the first icon it finds in ICONFILE.EXE.
; You must include this parameter if the file you specify
; contains more than one icon, and you want to use an icon
; other than the first icon.
; To use the Nth icon, specify the number N-1. For example,
; to use the third icon, specify 2.
; For example, the following item-definition statement tells SETUP to add an
; item titled "Demo Application" to Program Manager. The application command
; line is FILE1.FOO; the file that contains the application icon is DEMO.ICO
"How Multimedia Computers Work", hmmcw.exe, hmmcw.exe
"HMMCW Demo", hcwdemo.exe, hcwdemo.exe
"Demo Instructions", demo.txt, hcwdemo.txt